Make sure that the AIX Kerberos client is successfully configured to the Windows Active Directory server and verify that the users are able to log in successfully using the ssh/ telnet protocol. 确保成功地为AIXKerberos客户机配置WindowsActiveDirectory服务器,确认用户能够使用ssh/telnet协议成功地登录。
Make a new directory called/ var/ log/ apache. 创建一个名为/var/log/apache的新目录。
The From directory dialog allows you to select a log that is saved somewhere accessible with a system Directory dialog. Fromdirectory对话框允许您选择一个保存在别处的日志,并可以通过SystemDirectory对话框访问该日志。
With archive logging, if you don't move old log files from the active log directory, they will accumulate and share the directory with the active log files. 使用归档日志记录时,如果您没有把旧的日志文件从活动日志目录中移走,它们将累积起来,并与活动日志文件共享该目录。
Allocate a separate file system or directory for the log on its own disk. 分配独立的文件系统或目录,以使日志位于独立的磁盘上。
If the file type bits show a file and directory mismatch, the database entry is invalidated and a log message is produced. 如果文件类型位显示文件与目录不匹配,那么数据库条目将失效并产生一个日志消息。
The log directory holds the database-specific log files that let Derby record the operations that occur during a set of database operations ( a transaction). log目录保存特定于数据库的日志文件,这些文件允许Derby记录在一组数据库操作(一个事务)期间发生的操作。
In this strategy, once the last primary log file is filled in the log directory, new transactions will be written to the first log file thereby overwriting existing log data. 在此策略中,一旦日志目录中最后一个主日志文件被写满了,就会将新的事务写到第一个日志文件中,从而覆盖现有的日志数据。
If the transaction log directory is different from the database directory, make sure that the transaction log directory is also copied. 如果事务日志目录与数据库目录有不同之处,那么应确保同时复制了事务日志目录。
If the user's home directory is not present, it exits and does not allow the user to log in. 如果用户的主目录不存在,它就退出,不允许用户登录。
In this case, the database manager deletes all log files in the logpath directory ( including online archive log files), allocates new active log files, and reverts to circular logging. 在这种情况下,数据库管理器会删除logpath目录中的所有日志文件(包括联机归档日志文件),分配新的活动日志文件,并且回复到循环日志记录。
The scripts directory and the log directory should be common for all loads. 脚本目录和日志目录应该对所有加载都是通用的。
And you must create run scripts for each of them and create a directory for the log files. 还必须创建它们各自的run脚本,并为日志文件创建目录。
This script reads the number of PHP session files in your server's/ tmp directory, then writes a summary report to a log file. 该脚本将读取位于您的服务器/tmp目录下的PHP会话文件的数量,并在日志文件中写入摘要报告。
This functionality could be useful if you wanted to change a program or configuration file in one directory and see the results in a log file in a different directory. 这个功能在下面这种情况下很有用:您想在一个目录中更改一个程序或配置文件,然后在另一个目录下的日志文件中查看结果。
Communicator is unable to replicate the directory because the server's change log information is incomplete. 通信器无法复制目录,因为服务器的更改运行记录信息不完整。
Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains the message tracking log files. 指定包含邮件跟踪日志文件的目录的最大大小。
The new log directory is active almost immediately after the configuration change, but any existing log files are left in the old directory. 配置发生更改后,新的日志目录几乎会立即可用,但所有现有的日志文件都保留在旧目录中。
Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains routing table log files. 指定包含路由表日志文件的目录的最大大小。
Circular logging deletes the oldest log files when the routing table log directory reaches its maximum specified size, or when a log file reaches its maximum specified age. 当路由表日志目录达到指定的最大大小时,或者当日志文件达到指定的最长期限时,循环日志记录会删除最早的日志文件。
This is a share of the directory where the transaction log backups will be generated. 这是对生成事务日志备份的目录的共享。
The maximum size of the MRM log directory is calculated as the total size of all log files that have the same name prefix. mrm日志目录的最大大小是按以下方法计算的:将具有相同名称前缀的所有日志文件的大小相加,求其总和。
If badmail exists in the replay directory, an event log error is generated, but the same badmail messages do not generate repeated event log errors. 如果重播目录中存在死信,将生成事件日志错误,但是相同的死信邮件不会生成重复的事件日志错误。
The first sample creates the log file in the current directory, while the second sample creates a path where the log will reside. 第一个示例在当前目录中创建日志文件,而第二个示例创建一个路径,日志将保存在其中。
When the maximum directory size is reached, the server deletes the oldest log files first. 如果已达到最大目录大小,服务器会首先删除最早的日志文件。
Specifying an empty string as a directory allows you to rename or truncate the log without making a copy of it first. 如果指定空字符串作为目录,则不必先复制日志就可以重命名或截断它。
An error occurred while installing the directory service. For more information, see the event log. 在安装目录服务时出现一个错误。有关详细信息,请查看事件日志。
If you rename log files or copy other files into the managed folder log directory, these files are not counted in the log files size calculation. 如果重命名了日志文件或将其他文件复制到了托管文件夹日志目录中,则在计算日志文件大小时不会将这些文件计算在内。
Aimed at the function layer, this paper extended media service module, callback module, directory tree module, log management module. 本文针对业务层扩展了媒体服务模块、回拨功能模块、业务流程树功能模块、日志管理模块。